Style Makeover


Our Style Makeover session is the ultimate full-day personal styling experience that combines a home visit for Wardrobe Cleanse and Personal Styling. The experience begins with an in-depth consultation to identify your clothing likes, dislikes, budget and lifestyle needs. During a Wardrobe Cleanse at your home, your stylist Deni will make sense of your closet by styling outfits for you while compiling a list of missing key items. Following a shopping trip, she will find the perfect items to complete your wardrobe.

Wardrobe Cleanse


Together we review, edit and organize your clothes, shoes and accessories to make the most of your wardrobe. We will identify what needs updating or no longer fits. We can also utilize any existing garments having them tailored to give them a new lease of life. We will then compile a concise shopping list of missing key items throughout the appointment.


  • Conduct a colour and body shape analysis.
  • Show you how to create an impactful outfit.
  • Learn how to create & maintain a capsule wardrobe.
  • Compile a list of missing key items to complete your wardrobe.
  • Advice on aftercare and the storage of your clothes.

Deni creates between 40-100 looks with your existing wardrobe and all outfit combinations are photographed. These will then be sent to you after the appointment with detailed style notes, as a reminder of the looks we styled.

Personal Styling


During a shopping trip, Deni will give you her honest and expert opinion on outfits that will flatter your body shape. You will be introduced to new brands and styles and pick up insider styling tips on which colours suit your skin tone. Deni will work with you to identify your personal style, and find pieces that emphasize your personality, originality and self-assurance.


  • Initial in-depth consultation.
  • Shopping with a stylist for half a day.
  • Guidance on colours, styles & trends that flatter your body shape.
  • Post-session style guide with ideas how to wear your new purchases.


Shopping trips take place at Central London, Oxford Street, Regent Street, Bond street, Mount Street, Jermyn Street, Savile Row, Harvey Nichols, Harrods, Liberty, Carnaby Street, Covent Garden, Canary Wharf or a Westfield shopping centre.


Contact us by email or phone 07557 236616 for more information or book a free initial consultation.




The wardrobe cleanse session was really helpful and a nice breather for my closet! We reviewed and organised all my clothes, shoes and accessories. We made piles for “donate”, “keep” and “sell at vintage shop”. You can’t imagine the stuff I found in the back of my closets that I hadn’t seen in the past two years. I was surprised how much percentage wise of your wardrobe do you really use.  We also found garments that were too big and needed to be altered and shortened some long dresses to give them a new life. I also saw gaps in my wardrobe- items that I should add or that were missing so the money from the vintage sale will be helpful for that. Then we put some outfits together that I would have not thought of which was interesting as well.” 

Sarah Nicollier, Director of Mayfair Interiors

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