Fashion Class by Joanna Doe
City Hall 721 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY , NY, United StatesSed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia…
Giveaway: Personal Styling Session and Photoshoot with International Photographer
To celebrate our website launch we are giving away a personal styling session and a photoshoot! We have teamed-up with the international photographer Aleona Popova to giveaway a personal styling experience including styling session followed by a photoshoot against London’s most iconic scenes. The winner will receiver a…
Styling Masterclass: How To Wear Floral Prints For Autumn
Learn everything about styling florals during a digital masterclass on How To Wear Floral Prints for Autumn. The masterclass starts at 11 am on Thursday 24th November at @denikirostyle and will run over three days at the Instagram stories. Day 1: Styling Report on Florals…
London Fashion Networking: Sustainable Fashion & Personal Styling
McQueen , United KingdomInformal meet and mingle for industry specialists and fashion enthusiasts. Learn about sustainable fashion and how to #buylesswearmore Join us for a fun informal fashion evening of meeting, connecting, sharing and discussion all things fashion and sustainability. This networking event is for both industry specialists…
Personal Styling At Marina Rinaldi
By Appointment , United KingdomMarina Rinaldi - MaxMara's big sister, is launching their new Relax Collection on November 6th in London. Discover their curated collection, gain access to limited edition and exclusive items. To book a personal styling session at Marina Rinaldi contact
Styling Masterclass For Men
Learn everything about menswear styling during a three day masterclass. The masterclass starts at 11am on Thursday 7th October at @denikirostyle and will run over three days at the Instagram stories. Day 1: Menswear Styling Learn which are the menswear clothing essentials. How to Mix&Math.…
Reiss Overhaul at Westfield London
Westfield LondonDuring a digital overhaul, I will show you the best seasonal picks from Reiss. Whether you are looking for a seasonal staple or a party outfit, I will showcase the best clothing selection to top up your Winter Fashion Wishlist. The overhaul starts at 10am…